Core Team With Rich Industry Experience

BTM’s core team is composed of experienced professionals, including international BD experts, senior Regulatory Affairs experts, and professional commercial team etc.

  • Don Dai Chairman

    Ph. D
    - Chemistry Ph. D in Scripps Research Institute;
    - 20 years business and commercial management in medicine, vaccine and health products. Served as Chairmen of listed pharmaceutical enterprises. President of listed pharmaceutical group and GM of Sino-US joint venture pharmaceutical enterprise;
    - Successful investment manager, invested and founded several innovative companies in worldwide;
    - Excellent strategic vision. Successful investment concept. Rich experiences on enterprise management.

  • Leo SunCEO

    BS & MBA
    - Bachelor of Pharmacology in Shanghai Medical University,MBA in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics;
    - More than 20 years experiencess of BD, commercial & management experience in pharmaceutical industry, used to be VP of listed pharmaceutical group and GM of JV pharmaceutical enterprises;
    - Strong experience in global product licensing and commercial operation management.